Got questions?
Here are some frequently asked questions.

Questions about the classroom
How can parents help?
  • Reading to the Class:
    One way that you can help out in the classroom is by volunteering to read to the children. By reading to the students, you will be helping them to improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills. You may set up a time to read by contacting me. If you have a book that you would like to share to the class, you are more than welcome to bring the book along.
  • Helping Out in Centers:
    Throughout the day, students are allowed to explore the centers set up in the classroom (for more information on centers, see Centers). The students enjoy having an adult interact with them in the different centers and adult supervision is an important part of keeping the kids safe.
  • Attending Open House:
    Once or twice a year, the school will hold a school-wide open house. I invite you to join me on this day to see what your student has been doing in the classroom. Student work will be on display for you to view. The centers will also be open for you to explore.
  • Can’t make it to visit the classroom?
    There are plenty of ways that you can help outside of the classroom as well. One way that you can help is by completing at home assignments with your child and periodically reading to your child. Allow your child to read the book to you using the pictures.
Why are you using centers?
Centers are used because they are part of Developmentally Appropriate Practice and allow the students a hands-on approach to learning. The centers help to develop cognitive, social, motor, and language skills as well.
What all centers are there?
The following centers are found within our Kindergarten Kingdom: reading, writing, building, art, and drama. There are also three mobile centers: math, science, and music.
What is Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)?
Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) refers to instruction and activities that are appropriate for a given class. Practices that are developmentally appropriate draw on the learning levels and societal backgrounds of the children in the class. In a kindergarten classroom, there are several things that play into instruction, including the various developmental levels of children. At this age, it is important for students to be given opportunities to improve their motor, social, and language skills.
Where can I find the education standards?
You can find the education standards below.
Click here for education standards.
Questions about the website
Who maintains the website?
The website is maintained by my sister and me.
Why is there a website?
The class has a website so that parents can stay informed in-between grading periods. The website will also function as a display area for the kids’ work later in the year.
Can I add to the site?
Yes. If you are interested in adding to the site, please contact me or the website manager. You can also contact the website manager if you find anything that needs updated or have any questions about the site.Click here to contact the manager.
Where do you get the pictures for the site?
The pictures found on this site are either photographs or Microsoft Clipart. Two of the pictures are photographs and the others are clipart. For more information on Microsoft Clipart and its copyrights click here.

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