Picture of book
Reading Center
This center is well-stocked with books for the students to explore. Puppets will be included in this center to allow further interaction. It is important for students to have interactions with books to gain book-handling and book-sharing skills. In Kindergarten Kingdom, we call this center
Royal Library.
This center varies based on the theme.
Drama Center
This center will be themed according to our unit of study. One week it may be a house and the following week it might be a restaurant. By participating in dramatic play, students are able to further develop language skills through the use of imaginative language. In Kindergarten Kingdom, we call this center
The Queen's Stage.
Classroom Layout
Classroom Layout
Students can use blocks in the building center.
Building Center
This center has blocks and other building materials. Students are able to develop their motor skills further as they build with blocks. Students also develop social and language skills as they talk about their creations with each other. In Kindergarten Kingdom, we call this center
Construction Alley.
Student Art
Art Center
This center is stocked with scissors, paper, crayons, and play-dough. These objects allow students to further develop their fine motor skills. In Kindergarten Kingdom, we call this center
The Artist Guild.
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